Monday, August 11, 2008

Week 9 Thing 23

I have really enjoyed Web 2.0 this summer. I really have come a long way in my understanding of technology online. There is so much information that I can use in the classroom and in my everday life. I enjoyed creating pictures and posting them on my blog. I have been working with Facebook which uses a lot of the same ideas. I am also excited about having a Presentation Station that I received last year. I will have an opportunity for the first time to apply a lot of these tools more often than in the past. I want to thank you for the allowing me to work through this program this summer.

Week 9 Thing 22

Audio eBooks work really nice for my children. I let my 5 year old listen to the story of Alice in Wonderland and she thought it was so cool. Instead of my reading all the books, I will know have some help as she enters ECC. I also found some neat Bible devotions using eBooks.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Week 9 Thing 21

Podcasts could be helpful in the classroom if you can find the ones in your content area. I found one that includes an online tutorial of different lessons in algebra and geometry. This another way to make your classroom more interesting when it comes to teaching new concepts or reviewing other concepts.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Week 9 Thing 20

I looked up some math videos on YouTube and found that a lot of the videos were not useful and were degrading to math teachers. There were a few good videos, but it was time consuming to find those. I think TeacherTube is more useful because the videos are easier to find in your content area. I attached a video to my blog of a teacher drawing the perfect circle. I found this video on YouTube.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Week 8 Thing 19

I used Libary Thing to catalog some of my favorite and other books that I would like to read. This is a great tool to share with other people if you are a book reader. You can even give a review of the books that you have read so others can see how you feel about certain books.

Week 8 Thing 18

I played with Zoho Writer and enjoyed creating documents that are user friendly. I like the fact that you can use this on any computer and don't need a disc or zip drive to save it. Zoho Writer also includes many reports that are neat and useful.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Week 7 Thing 17

I entered a note in the Sandbox about sharing information globally with other countries what they are leanring in the classroom.

Week 7 Thing 16

A wiki is a great resource for sharing information within a group. I like the fact that anyone can post or edit an entry as long as it is useful. I would like to use a wiki in my classroom allowing the students to give different ideas how to use technology in the math class. I could also allow the parents to be a part of sharing ideas to give input to certain topics of interest. Most students enjoy commnuicating using the computer technology, so this will be a good resource to use

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Week 6 Thing 15

I heard about the Copyright laws but did not realize how serious it can be. I know a lot of students post pictures and videos and don't pay attention to giving credit to the creator. It is amazing how the library has changed in the past 10 years where library books are now a thing of the past. Not many people want to spend time finding a book to check out when they get the same information from the internet. It is important to train teachers and students about the changes in technology so the time searching for the information will be less. We don't have to go to the library now to get the information we need to do research. We now can use our home computer or ipod, iphone, etc.

Week 6 Thing 14

I liked using Technorati to find certain blogs that interests me. I believe this will also be good for doing research on different topics.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Week 6 Thing 13

I created a account and created some bookmarks including tags. I included a website that includes free math materials for the high school level.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Week 5 Thing 12

I decided to use Rollyo to create a search tool for math homework help. This will give students a few choice websites to seek help from their subject area.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Week 5 Thing 10 and 11

I played and created an image of George Bush (Wildcat fan) and may try to create another with my face on an image. I explored the site Revolution Health which is on the Web 2.0 awards list.
I enjoyed the health tips and tips on healthier food. I like about half of the top 10 healthy foods, but can't imagine eating the other 5.

Week 4 Things 8 and 9

I enjoyed creating RSS feeds which makes it so much easier to look up the feeds that interest me. I like the fact that I can create as many as I want and can look them up on my newsreader account. I even posted one on my blog.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Week 3 Thing 3

I enjoyed viewing and creating pictures using Flickr. I created my own account and posted pictures of my family. I also enjoyed looking up geometric shapes which I can use in my classroom next year.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Week 2 Thing 3

I think the easiest habit for me is to begin with the end in mind. I always like to know what the goal is, so I can take it step by step to get there. I am a big picture person. The hardest habit for me is to view problems as challenges. I can get frustrated when I run into difficult problems and can't figure it out. This will be a challenge to me.